Monday, November 5, 2012

1 Month

It has been one month since I moved back to Miami from Lake Mary and its been Uneventful. I moved away with my boyfriend and came back alone which was an emotional roller coaster. We were so use to being around each other and seeing each other everyday that it made those first few days even harder. Now him and I have come a very long way and I believe we have overcome a lot of things that not many people would be able to withstand. I'm so proud of us it's been really tough for awhile but I can honestly say we've prevailed. We have grown and have become stronger and wiser. Him and I instantly became best friends when we met and wanted to at least keep that despite what other people would say.

Since moving our relationship has improved immensely and that makes me very happy because all the hard work is paying off. Whether him and I ever get back together is a mystery thus far. I know a lot of people wouldn't agree with that but at the end of the day it is my life and my decision and despite everything that's happened between us I don't regret for one moment moving away with him. I do believe we thought it would be easier which was naive of us. Many lessons have been learned and applied. I'm no relationship expert but I do know this I know that because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean they can't be forgiven. I also know that we are all human and are entitled to not be perfect. My greatest wish is that other people mostly family could understand that and not judge us based on stupid choices we made but rather who we really are. Everyone has skeletons in their closet some of us are just more open about our lives.

I truly believe people deserve a second chance we all have dumb moments. I believe that someone that truly loves and cares about you won't turn their back and walk away now Im not saying to dismiss the wrong doing but work together because it is so hard to come across good people in this crazy chaotic world. So if anyone in my family reads this know that I am beyond grateful for the love and support that has been shown and given to me. But also know that I will not apologize for doing what makes me happy and that's what life is about. doing what truly makes you happy whether that's being with someone that not everyone agrees with or moving away or getting tattoos. All I want for my loved ones is there happiness and I would hope that's what they want for me.

"To err is human, to forgive, divine."- Alexander Pope
"We'll, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put them behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us." - L.M Montgomery.

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