Thursday, July 26, 2012


"I may not have gone where i intended to go, but i think i have ended up where i need to be"..Douglas Adams

life is sometimes happy, easy, wonderful, beautiful, difficult,stressful, painful but at the end of the day it happens to all of us.

so much has happened since my last post. I have experienced many emotion sadness, anger, frustrations and mostly pain. For the past month i have done and said a lot of things i am not proud of and would like to just forget them all. But those memories of myself haunt me on a daily basis. i became this ugly person that i didnt and dont like.

Sometimes people come into our lives that do damage. Im tired of being angry and disliking these people. Im tired of putting on a smile because i have to. its time to put the past behind and not relive it on a daily basis. Its time to learn to forgive not only the people that i feel have done harm and caused so much pain but also myself. 

So to you Karla M. i FORGIVE YOU for how bad you've hurt me. We have never met and thats probably best but i am sure you are a wonderful person. I wish you all the best in this world. i hope you are able to achieve all your goals and i hope you can become the person you hope to be. And to you Stephen M. THANK YOU for being an inspiration to not only your family and friends but also to someone that never had the privileged and honor to meet you. For being an inspiration and glimmer of hope to me. For being wise beyond your years and for having so much faith in the lord. faith that even I myself seemed to have lost.

Its amazing how someones legacy can change your life and put things into perspective. People are not perfect and they make mistakes all the time but it is up to us to forgive.  i cant believe it took a person that is no longer physically here to knock some sense into me. Despite all the  obstacles Ive had to overcome and continue to overcome LIFE  is pretty AAHHMAZING and i am so grateful to know the people i know and to have them in my life.

“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:25–26).