Saturday, June 2, 2012


It has now been 346 days that i have neglected this blog. So sad in almost the last year i have only written 4 posts. Oh this blog world is tough to keep up with or maybe I'm just lazy and making up excuses. I'm gonna go with the second one. I think in some weird way it scares to think  who might read what i write and how much i am willing to write.

So the last 346 days have been quite interesting to say the least. Nelson and i moved to another apartment which we absolutely love and now have 2 sons.. We have totally lucked out with DA BOYS they are so sweet and house trained. Cant go wrong with house trained. Another addition to my family is Angel John which i have yet to meet.. shame on me..

Lake Mary has become my home. People always say home is where the heart is and my heart is definitely with DA BOYS and Nelson which scares me sometimes but it was a risk i was willing to take. Don't get me wrong it has not been an easy journey its been quite difficult to be honest. So very difficult my entire life has changed in two years and now i am in a place i never thought i would be. People do dumb things for love right. It always felt right to me to move away with Nelson despite it being taboo for just about everyone i knew. I dont regret it everything is a learning experience and a life lesson. It is not simple nor easy but i am confident everything will work itself out.