Thursday, June 2, 2011


So yesterday i think i surprised Nelson by telling him that i wanted us to start having FHE at our place every week. To be honest i surprised myself. Lately things have been difficult and we are not as committed to the gospel as we should be. So i figured we had to start somewhere. I prepared the lesson at work in between patients( shame on me)   So i went to which of course never fails and decided to do Lesson One: Building our Families through Home Evenings. Now this lesson is designed for a big family but i was able to make it apply to us.

Now here's my dilemma i didn't grow doing FHE's i wasn't even raised Mormon and until a few years ago i was still very clueless about it all. Now Nelson in the other hand was fortunate enough to grow up in the church so he was def use to all of it. And his knowledge is unbelievable he will school anybody out there. So sometimes its intimidating for me because i know my knowledge isn't as great as his but i try to just do the best i can.

So i got home from work cooked dinner and showered and also baked some cookies as a FHE snack and was able to give my lesson. We both have goals that we want to achieve as a couple and although we didnt do things traditionally and took the longer path to get there they are still very present in our minds. And honestly its what my heart desires the most. So i am happy to say that FHE was a success and very heartfelt because it was focused on family and i have realized that Nelson is the start to my new family and i must admit that it is very exciting.

Cant wait to see wait what the future holds for us. Im so grateful for this wonderful program the church has created for us to keep the Lord present in our lives during our busy week and i know only good can come from this.

Appreciating the Important Things
Begin a family home evening time by reading the following letter from a prisoner of war to his family:
“Dearest Marjorie, Cameron, Heather, Warren, Holly, Heidi. Above all I seek for eternal life with all of you. These are important: temple marriage, mission, college. Press on. Set goals, write history, take pictures twice a year.” (George Durrant, “A Gift from Heaven,” Ensign, Mar. 1971, p. 5.)
This was actually my favorite part of the lesson.
The words are so simple and beautiful and inspired at such a difficult time

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