Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June Babies

 June is full of Birthdays. So this post is a tribute to all my JUNE BABIES. We will begin with my first baby Pami's.  She just turned 10... WOW now thats a huge accomplishment for a kiddo if you ask me. They are what is now considered a tween. Pamela is so funny and spunky and i just love her to bits and pieces. She's my negrita and has grown so much. I can still remember the day she was born. She was past her due date and well it was a bit scary for awhile. She had an infection in her blood and was sent to NICU right away and was in the hospital for about two weeks. I always knew she'd make it out fine. I am so grateful everything turned out great with her i couldnt imagine my life without her. I love you my Pami's..

Next up is my silly monkey Arianni poo... She turned 6 and is going to 1st grade. ugh i remember when she started pre k. i would pick her up every friday and i would always end up buying her a happy meal. she would later brag to her older sisters and they were not pleased. she was born the same week the Batman movie came out. Arianna is by far the silliest of the girls. I took her and Pami's to a movie and ice cream this weekend. it was  very entertaining she has quite the personality. 
My last june baby is Kim. she turned 23.. Kim and i have always been close we grew up more like sisters instead of cousins. She is def one of my best friends and i am so lucky to have her in my life. When we were young we would put all our barbies together and build homes for them Kristin her younger sis would always get jealous. i am so happy that we now live closer and that i can always go to her if something is wrong. 
So to all my June Babies I love you guys more than anything and words cannot begin to describe how grateful and blessed i am and how complete you make my life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

We made it...

So we have made it to our 1 year anniversary.. Crazy it seems like it has been longer. We've been through a lot of ups and downs and it definitely has not been easy. Our relationship has been put through a lot of obstacles and i am happy to say that we have been able to overcome them some not so easily. Nelson definitely puts a smile on my face and accepts me for who i am. He accepts me at my silliest, craziest,saddest,maddest, happiest and i am so grateful for that. I dont think i will be able to find someone that will make dumb sounds with me or watch reality shows with me.

So Nelson and i always speak about our childhoods and how different they were. He always tells me how they never had a lot of things and he grew up humble as i did too but i was fortunate enough to enjoy things more. He would often tell me about having hand me downs and he was fine with it. So for our anniversary i decided to surprise him and get him something that he really wanted.

 He was very happy and excited to see his present. he got a PS3. The next day we packed our things and headed over to Daytona beach. Nelson bought some sky lanterns for us to release on the beach . It was pretty much awesome and a lot more difficult then people think. it was fun and i cant complain we had a pretty good weekend together. Im very excited for us and cant wait to see what the future holds for us.

P.S For this day to be complete the heat must win.... crossing fingers

Thursday, June 2, 2011


So yesterday i think i surprised Nelson by telling him that i wanted us to start having FHE at our place every week. To be honest i surprised myself. Lately things have been difficult and we are not as committed to the gospel as we should be. So i figured we had to start somewhere. I prepared the lesson at work in between patients( shame on me)   So i went to www.lds.org which of course never fails and decided to do Lesson One: Building our Families through Home Evenings. Now this lesson is designed for a big family but i was able to make it apply to us.

Now here's my dilemma i didn't grow doing FHE's i wasn't even raised Mormon and until a few years ago i was still very clueless about it all. Now Nelson in the other hand was fortunate enough to grow up in the church so he was def use to all of it. And his knowledge is unbelievable he will school anybody out there. So sometimes its intimidating for me because i know my knowledge isn't as great as his but i try to just do the best i can.

So i got home from work cooked dinner and showered and also baked some cookies as a FHE snack and was able to give my lesson. We both have goals that we want to achieve as a couple and although we didnt do things traditionally and took the longer path to get there they are still very present in our minds. And honestly its what my heart desires the most. So i am happy to say that FHE was a success and very heartfelt because it was focused on family and i have realized that Nelson is the start to my new family and i must admit that it is very exciting.

Cant wait to see wait what the future holds for us. Im so grateful for this wonderful program the church has created for us to keep the Lord present in our lives during our busy week and i know only good can come from this.

Appreciating the Important Things
Begin a family home evening time by reading the following letter from a prisoner of war to his family:
“Dearest Marjorie, Cameron, Heather, Warren, Holly, Heidi. Above all I seek for eternal life with all of you. These are important: temple marriage, mission, college. Press on. Set goals, write history, take pictures twice a year.” (George Durrant, “A Gift from Heaven,” Ensign, Mar. 1971, p. 5.)
This was actually my favorite part of the lesson.
The words are so simple and beautiful and inspired at such a difficult time

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


AAAHHHH so here it goes.. This is my first time blogging and for those of you that might know me will understand why I'm freaking out. This is totally out of my comfort zone. I tend to want to keep a lot of things private and only share certain things with close friends and family so here's to a new me I guess.

This just might be one of the most random and ridiculous blogs you will read. It will definitely not have a theme or even make any sense to anyone but me. So if you have nothing better to do stay tuned I'm sure you will laugh at least once or twice.

My name is Diana Garcia and I'm 24 yrs old. I currently live in Sanford, Fl and work at Family Medical Center. Moved up from Miami in January and can honestly say i love the peace and quiet. the craziness and chaos of Miami is so overrated... don't believe me? just try it out for yourself but don't say i didn't warn you. I live with my boyfriend of a year and its been crazy adjusting to the change. Speaking of boyfriends he is absolutely amazing some would even say he's my soul mate. Who would've known huh? he's definitely a breath of fresh air and although it has only been 1 yr it feels more like 10... it has been a roller coaster but i wouldn't change it for anything it has only made us stronger. i just realized the first part of this paragraph sounds like something for an online dating site.. SCARY not a fan of those

I feel like dating sites are sleazy and its like asking for something bad to happen. Its so sad how people can't be social enough to go up to a person and talk to them. Instead they do it behind a screen.
No offense to anyone but i'm just saying.Maybe its because i'm paranoid that i feel that way..

P.S This might be my first and last post because tonight is the first game of the NBA finals and the Heat will be playing and i might just go into cardiac arrest.

BTW he's the one that gives me premature ventricular contraction..